Bookmarks tagged history and fediverse

8 Sep 2023
The Federated SNS (social network service/system) timeline is a simple list of its history. To put it another way, it is a record of how the Fediverse came to be. This is only one part of the larger Federated Social Web. For this list, we defined SNS as services meant for posting updates (microblogging, macro-blogging, blogging), uploading images, leaving comments, re-sharing, and liking; or simply, the Fediverse.
#fediverse - #history -
8 Sep 2023
This is the second in a series of posts where the Robert W. Gehls shares his notes on his readings of the minutes of the Social Web Working Group. The first one is here. Future posts to come. In this section, He covers the development of ActivityStreams 2.0, the first goal of the SocialWG charter.