Bookmarks tagged w3c

13 Jun
List of user stories considered by the original AS2/SocialWG team (c. 2015).
2 Oct 2023
GitHub issue discussing how Webfinger and its relationship to ActivityPub.
30 Sep 2023
Discussions about FEPs and other topics (chat transcript).
25 Sep 2023
The charter for the W3C working group that defined ActivityPub.
24 Sep 2023
Perceptions of the SWICG meeting at TPAC 2023, by Amy Guy (one of the AP spec authors).
8 Sep 2023
W3C hosts thousands of mailing lists for our group members and the general public to discuss and send feedback on Web standards work at W3C. The corresponding mailing list archives contain millions of messages dating back to the earliest days of the Web. Most W3C public mailing lists allow anyone to join and participate.
8 Sep 2023
This is the public mailing list for the Social Web Incubator Community Group (swicg). Anyone may read or write to this list.