Bookmarks tagged specification

8 Sep 2023
In the most basic sense, an "Activity" is a semantic description of an action. It is the goal of this specification to provide a JSON-based syntax that is sufficient to express metadata about activities in a rich, human-friendly but machine-processable and extensible manner. This can include constructing natural-language descriptions or visual representations about the activity, associating actionable information with various types of objects, communicating or recording activity logs, or delegation of potential actions to other applications.
#activitystreams2 + #specification
8 Sep 2023
Linked Data Notifications is a protocol that describes how servers (receivers) can have messages pushed to them by applications (senders), as well as how other applications (consumers) may retrieve those messages. Any resource can advertise a receiving endpoint (Inbox) for the messages. Messages are expressed in RDF, and can contain any data.
#linked-data + #specification
8 Sep 2023
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a general-purpose language for representing information on the Web. This document defines a textual syntax for RDF called Turtle that allows an RDF graph to be completely written in a compact and natural text form, with abbreviations for common usage patterns and datatypes. Turtle provides levels of compatibility with the N-Triples [N-TRIPLES] format as well as the triple pattern syntax of the SPARQL W3C Recommendation.
8 Sep 2023
This document includes errata for the Activity Streams and Activity Vocabulary documents.
8 Sep 2023
A little misleading since it doesn't actually list any errors (and they are there), but it's where they will go. There is also a link to the proposed errata.
8 Sep 2023
A list of non-normative tutorials and commentary about Activity Streams topics. This is sometimes useful for understanding some of the quirks of the specification.
#activitystreams2 + #specification
8 Sep 2023
This page exists to document extensions to the ActivityPub protocol. Extensions are developed as part of the SWICG.
#activitypub + #specification
8 Sep 2023
This page documents known AS2 extensions and best practices for using other namespaces in AS2.
8 Sep 2023
This document lists the terms used for the ActivityStreams 2.0 protocol and its stable extensions, and provides a namespace so each term has an HTTP IRI. This document is merely a W3C-internal document. It has no official standing of any kind and does not represent consensus of the W3C Membership.
#activitystreams2 + #specification
8 Sep 2023
This is an interesting document from a historical perspective. A lot changed between this first public draft and the final specification.